Recent Updates12/1/24 It's been a bit over a month since my last blog post, so I figured I'd give an update on some of the things I said there.
First and most importantly is the 4koma anthology. In my last update, I mentioned I ordered it and was waiting for it to arrive. But there's news! The manga came and all pages have been scanned, and now it's currently in the translation process. In fact, you can already read the first two chapters here! I'm currently translating Chapter 3 as I speak.
The second and third things I announced were scans of the first edition Blu-Ray release and character and settings material. I said I'd upload these to the Internet Archive in the future because at the time the website was going through a lot, but I finally got around to that. You can check out both of them here!
And finally, I made a few updates to the site. Most of them being me removing the connection to my Twitter account, as I've made the decision to no longer use the website. You can still find me on Bluesky though. In fact I've made a brand new profile using this website's domain, which you can find here.
And that's all for this update, see you in another two months!
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Several Huge Announcements!10/24/24 I'm back once again after 2 months, LOL. However, this time I have far more to offer than just a few 360p quality uploads of the anime. In fact, I have severalge HUGE announcements, so this is going to be the biggest blog post yet!
First and foremost, a while ago I discovered the Sakurasou 4koma anthology manga. Unfortunately, no scans or translations were available. Well that ends soon! Recently I've ordered myself a copy of the manga, so when it comes in November I can begin translating it myself! I'll be posting the translations on here, Twitter, and Bluesky. However, as I said it's coming in November, so it may unfortunately be a while.
Second thing on the list! I've managed to obtain a complete scan of everything in the first edition Blu-Ray release. Yes, I mean EVERYTHING. Obviously there's scans of covers, discs, and art, but there's tons of other cool stuff there too! Some stuff includes: Nanahanosou aka Mashiro's Manga, Misaki's storyboards, a seemingly exclusive mini novel, and more! I'll try to translate stuff like the manga and mini novel, however my priority is going to be the 4koma manga. However, if you want to take a look at the contents and maybe even translate it yourself, I will be uploading everything onto the Internet Archive when I get the chance. (How long it will be until then is up in the air at the moment as they've currently been dealing with quite a bit.)
While we're on the subject of cool finds, I also came across some internal character and settings material for the anime, basically character and background sketches that were used by the staff. There's a lot of cool stuff in here too, though I'm not sure how much I can get away with sharing here. I will also be uploading them onto the Internet Archive, for archival purposes of course!
Now with all of this stuff, some reorganizing on the site may have to be done. This is a lot after all. So basically, I'm going to busy with a bit, so please look forward to everything. You can find me on Twitter and Bluesky for more updates (I'd recommend Bluesky as I'm more active there.)
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
I'm Alive!8/20/24 It feels like every time I make a post here, it starts with some kind of comment about how it's been a while since I last updated the site, huh. Oh well! I've been in a coding spirit, so using my incredible powers, I've made all 24 episodes of The Pet Girl of Sakurasou available (for archival purposes of course)! You can watch them all here if you'd like. Unfortunately, they're all in like 360p. If you have a problem with that, then maybe don't watch an entire anime on a neocities site, silly. They also use the dub because I like the dub more. If you have complaints about that too, please drop them off in the nearest garbage bin. For archival purposes of course!
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Another Manga??4/14/24 I bet you weren't expected another blog post so soon! Well, as I was doing research on the Sakurasou manga, I came across the existence of ANOTHER manga. This one being an official 4koma anthology manga! I, of course, have never seen or heard of this before. So obviously I made immediate efforts to document it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find much aside from the cover and a few screenshots. So if you can find any information, especially any scans or places where I can read it, please let me know (preferably on Twitter)! Also, I added a separate manga page for it. Now if you go to the manga page, there's an option to view the 4koma Anthology manga.
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Manga Available to Read (kind of)4/12/24 It's been a while since I've updated this website, oops. Don't worry, I haven't abandoned it. It took a bit but I managed to add chapters 1-18 of the manga. As much as I would love to add more, unfortunately I cannot find any English translations of the chapters beyond that. I may try translating them myself, but that's for another day. Also, about the scans from Renzokusei Scans (chapters 1-9): I am aware of their hosting policy. However, the site they intended the scans to be hosted on seems to be down, so I'm hosting them here as well for archival and accessibility purposes. Once again, sorry it took so long. Hopefully this is enough to satisfy the 2 people that pay attention to this site for now!
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Visual Novel Gallery1/7/24 Happy 2024! Sorry it took so long to update! Anyways, I've finally gotten around to making the gallery for the visual novel... kinda. Currently, all of the CGs and backgrounds are available, however the character sprites have not been added yet. Also, due to circumstances beyond my control, all of the images are taken from the PSP versions. That means that they aren't as high res as I'd prefer, but oh well. Don't worry, I'll get around to adding the character sprites, and if I find a way to get the PS Vita assets, I'll definitely add those! Thank you for your patience! For now though, you can find the visual novel gallery here.
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Obligatory Maintenance11/24/23 Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been pretty busy lately. Don't worry though, I'm not neglecting the site! I fixed a few glitches and completely redesigned the gallery page for the light novel, now you can view images by volume. This should hopefully make it take less time to load and just be easier to use. I have a lot of plans for this website that I'm currently working on, so please don't lose patience!
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Gallery Update!10/24/23 Hello! I've officially began work on the gallery (as of yesterday). So far, I've collected all the official illustrations for the light novel, and I've obtained a few illustrations from the manga, plus all of the volume covers for both. Unfortunately, finding illustrations from the manga is difficult, but I'm trying my best. I also plan on uploading all of the sprites from the visual novel, along with tons of promotional material from both the visual novel and anime, so please be patient! You can check out the gallery for the light novel here, and you can check out the gallery for the manga here.
-Totally Misaki ![]() |
Welcome to the blog!10/22/23 Hey everyone, this is the first blog post I created. Here in the blog, I'll talk and ramble about a lof things Sakurasou related. I look forward to expressing my thoughts here a lot! This website is still a work in progress, stuff like an extensive image gallery and archive will be coming soon. -Totally Misaki ![]() |